Industrial Scientific Gas Monitors Why Has Fox News Coverage Of Global Warming Become Reasonable?

Why has Fox News coverage of global warming become reasonable? - industrial scientific gas monitors

Scientists criticize Gore:

"The current consensus of scientific opinion that human industrial activity has considerably increased the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and that this increase in average global temperatures at least during the next century - but much more slowly than shown in" An Inconvenient Truth. ", 2933.2584 ...

The warming of the planet Mars

"Although the data suggest that variations in solar activity can affect climate on Earth, and it has in the past to vote in most climate scientists and astrophysicists that the sun is the culprit of the current increase in history, and sudden changes in temperature of the earth, the whole the show is created by our own species. ", 2933.2583 ...

Junkscience no longer highlighted.

Watch "climate change" here. There are no stories of denial. ...


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